Jackson School Wellbeing Team provides support interventions and programs which effectively engage students and facilitates the development of positive behaviours. The team works in partnership with staff, students, families and external community agencies to meet the needs of our student community.

Jackson School is a School-Wide Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (SW-PBIS) School. Our values are Learning, Independence, Safety, Respect and Responsibility. The Wellbeing Team coordinate a range of interventions applicable to individual needs and ensures all students and families access interventions as required.

As a School we are aware that for some students and families there can be complex needs. The Wellbeing and Engagement Team ensure the school environment is safe and supportive and able to manage First Aid, Medical Management and Court Orders and external support agencies.

The Wellbeing and Engagement Team work collaboratively with agencies to support students within Out of Home and Kinship Care, ensuring that all student access individualised and appropriate supports.

The Engagement and Wellbeing Policy of Jackson School acknowledges that there
is a shared approach to developing safe and productive learning spaces. Co-operation between students, families and staff is fostered through participation and consultation in the decision-making process.

The Jackson School Wellbeing and Engagement promote school attendance in line with the Every Day Counts program. Jackson School, families and the wider community work in partnership with each other to ensure there is an awareness of the importance of regular attendance.

The Wellbeing and Engagement Team implement and monitor safety programs within Jackson School. These include Sunsmart, Asthma Friendly and Nut Aware.

Learning, Independence, Safety, Respect, Responsibility

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Jackson School and the Wellbeing Team strive for a vibrant and positive school culture with a shared enthusiasm for learning. Each student deserves a safe…Read More

Hands On Learning is an innovative education program that caters to the different ways young people learn. Two artisan-teachers work collaboratively with small groups of…Read More

SWPBS / PBIS - School Wide Positive Behaviour Interventions & Support Since mid-2013, Jackson School has implemented Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support system (PBIS) which…Read More

Child safety and wellbeing at Jackson School: information for families and the school community Jackson School is a child safe community. We acknowledge the traditional owners…Read More

Occupational Therapy The overall goal of Occupational Therapy is to maximise a student’s ability and potential to independently participate in a variety of activities across…Read More

At the start of each year we ask for applications from student’s Year 6-12 to apply to be a part of the JSLT. Successful applicants…Read More