SWPBS / PBIS – School Wide Positive Behaviour Interventions & Support
Since mid-2013, Jackson School has implemented Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support system (PBIS) which acts as an umbrella for our behaviour management program.
PBIS is an organised, data-driven system of interventions, strategies, and supports that positively impact school-wide and individualised behaviour planning.
The purpose of school-wide PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behaviour is the norm.
- Introducing, modelling, and reinforcing positive social behaviours is an important step of a student’s educational experience.
- Teaching behavioural expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehaviour to occur before responding.
The Jackson School Community has identified SAFETY, RESPONSIBILITY and RESPECT as being the key expectations required to develop a school culture and climate that would best facilitate increased student engagement, learning and wellbeing, whilst at the same time, decrease disruptive behaviours across the whole school.
We identified six areas/locations where we would actively monitor and encourage these expectations. They included: Learning Areas, Outdoor Areas, Hallways/Walkways, Toilets, the Community and Buses.
The outcomes that we believe that a PBIS framework in our school would achieve are:
- Increased school safety
- Increased student achievement
- Decreased office referrals
- Decreased classroom disruptions
- Decreased suspensions and expulsions
- Increased student, teacher and parent satisfaction in school climate